We have answered some of your most frequently asked eye related questions . Click on a question below to learn more.
Your eyes cannot be replaced. You will not necessarily have any symptoms or pain. The eye test can pick up very early signs of any problems; the earlier treated the better. The eye test can detect underlying health problems that you aren’t aware of, such as Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, some brain tumours and multiple sclerosis. The eye test will detect if your vision can be improved. You may just be used to seeing less clearly so don’t realise it can be improved upon. Good Vision gives a better quality of life. For children, it is essential that their eyes are functioning normally for them to perform well at school. Don’t accept that poor vision is due to your age. It may be possible to improve it further. It is important your vision meets certain legal standards for driving and certain occupations.
Even if you are not aware of any problems you should have your eyes tested every 2 years. The eye test is a regular health check, which can detect underlying health problems as well as changes in your vision. It may need to be more frequent depending on your age and medical history. Your Optometrist will normally advise you when you should return for your next eye test and usually will send a reminder to you.
Children can be tested at any age. It is recommended that an optometrist sees them before they start school and start learning to read. Often, vision problems can be the reason why a child does not perform well at school, for example because they cannot see the board. The earlier a problem is detected the more chance there is of successful treatment.
Eyes don’t usually let you know that something is wrong. Any change is usually very gradual, so you become accustomed to the change in your vision. Therefore, regular eye tests are important to pick up any change as soon as possible to make sure any problem can be treated before it affects vision. The eye test detects many conditions earlier than waiting for symptoms to appear. The eye test does not only check whether you need glasses, but it can show a number of underlying health problems, such as diabetes and glaucoma, and the general condition of your eyes.
Your Optometrist can detect early signs of diabetic retinopathy by looking inside your eyes. The earlier any changes are detected, the more likely it is they can be monitored and treated to prevent loss of sight. Early treatment is essential so an annual eye test is the best step you can take to protect your eyes.